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*Match Results
SnoKing Referees

Match Results

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We show the following Match Results from completed SnoKing Referees Referee Assignments that meet the criteria you have set (as of Friday, July 5th, 2024 at 2:13pm PDT). Note that this list IS subject to change as additional Referees file their reports associated with Assignment completion.

++++++ Site Printable
525377/2/2024Formerly in Shape vs Foot Li...4-3
525417/2/2024Money Shots vs Slower Than W...5-1
525397/2/2024Tusken Raiders FC vs Where's...7-10
525407/2/2024Western Neon Rowdies vs Publ...4-1
525357/2/2024Pass on Grass vs SBOTAP FCcaution0-3
525507/2/2024RKP vs Diesel3-0
525487/2/2024OnlyFouls FC vs St. Vincent ...2-1
525387/2/2024Pink Panthers FC vs Man Ches...caution1-2
525367/2/2024Washed Up Athletic Club vs G...1-2
525537/2/2024gaslight united vs Gnorthgat...4-3
Displayed 1 to 10 of 91 right1rightend