*Match Inquiry
*Match Results
SnoKing Referees


Evaluate a Referee
Criteria is now using saved Site values

Please provide all the following information to the best of your ability and only if you personally observed the Match:

Match Information for #51694
Date, Time 6/7/2024@ Field Jefferson Playfield Referee Reo
Gender M Level Open Division 2cTU
HomeStrangers United FC White Goals
AwayMan Chest Hair United Goals
Your name2 Email2
Relationship2 Affiliation2

2REQUIRED - evaluator name and contact info will NOT be provided to the Referee but will be available to the Assignor for followup if needed.

Specific observations associated with the Match:

Evaluation1=Below Expectations, 3=Meets Expectations, 5=Exceeded Expectation
On Time (10 min early)12345
Calling Offside12345
Recognizing Fouls12345
Attitude Toward Participants12345
Keeping Pace with Play12345
Overall Performance12345
Things the Referee Did Well... [Required]
Did well..
Reasons expectations were not met... [Required]
Other Comments...