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SnoKing Referees


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51234 5/18/2024 11:00 am SKYC G U09 Civic Center Playfield 1A (large) McKenzie vs evaluate
51239 5/18/2024 11:00 am SKYC G U10 Civic Center Playfield 2A (small) Doane vs Alschuler evaluate
51343 5/18/2024 10:50 am SKYC B U12 Lynnwood HS F2 Sno-King Youth Club ... evaluate
51233 5/18/2024 10:00 am SKYC B U09 Civic Center Playfield 1A (large) Nice vs Jensen evaluate
51238 5/18/2024 10:00 am SKYC B U10 Civic Center Playfield 2A (small) Neuman vs Fuller evaluate
51342 5/18/2024 9:30 am SKYC B U12 Lynnwood HS F2 SKYC B2012 - Mitts v... evaluate
51347 5/18/2024 9:30 am SKYC G U14 Lynnwood HS F1 Sno-King Youth Club ... evaluate
51232 5/18/2024 9:00 am SKYC B U09 Civic Center Playfield 1A (large) Rinaker vs Adams evaluate
51237 5/18/2024 9:00 am SKYC B U10 Civic Center Playfield 2A (small) Galarza vs Harris evaluate
51106 5/17/2024 7:00 pm Seattle RATS Koed Open Genesee Lower Peaked in High Schoo... evaluate
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